Monday, December 8, 2008

The things I do...

I frequently watch the same movies over, and over again. Yes, if given the opportunity between, a movie I haven't seen, and one I have... I'd choose the one I have seen. I really don't know why... I guess I like familiarity. 
Sometimes I like to watch the people walking by on my street. My desk is right by the window, and when I sit there, I'll open the blinds, and watch the children play, watch the cars drive by, or people passing through.
I watch Heroes every monday night. I never miss an episode, No matter what I'm doing I'll always make time for it. Any of the other shows I watch, if I can't watch them... I'll catch up later.
I wash my hair twice per shower. I don't know why, and I'm sure it's not really healthy for my hair, but I do it. 
I cut my own bangs. If they're getting too long, or just annoying as fuck. I cut that shit up. Yeah, I do it. 
I swear too much. Way too much. I mean, not as much as fu-freakin' some people. But yeah I do it. And sometimes I find it difficult to not say 'fuck' in front of my mother. Who would actually shoot me in the face. 
I spend too much time in my room. In fact most of my time. But I can't help it, my family annoys the hell out of me. 
When I find a song I like, I'll listen to it fifteen-hundred times. Prime example: Waving Flags British Sea Power. If you've never heard it... I definitely recommend it. 
I procrastinate. Bitch please! But really, I actually do. Right now I should be doing my homework, but instead I'm writing this and watching heroes.
I confuse easily.  About lots of things. I won't get into much detail about it. 
I like to touch. Not inappropriately but, I like holding peoples hands, and I like hugging. :)
I love some people. Family and friends of course.
I like to re-read my conversations. Yeah, I'll go into my chat log, and read through some of the past convo's I've had with some people. 

1 comment:

sparklegreen said...

I think all of us on blogger procrastinate, hence us being on blogger. What do you think I'm doing now?!!!!

wv: realimpo


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