Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It was like I was 10 again

Yesterday I made a snowman. It was one of the best snowmen you'd ever see. It took me like 50 years(10 minutes) to make it, and it was like 6 feet(maybe 3) tall. I felt like a kid again, and it was so much fun. My sister thought it would be fun to give my snowman leprosy with her spray bottle she filled with food colouring and water. After she gave my snowman, this horrid disease, I gave him angry eyebrows because both he and I were PISSED. You can expect pictures of this soon. Then, as I continued to play in the snow my brother TACKLED my snowman right to the ground, smashing him in a million tiny tiny pieces, and at the same time, breaking my heart.

You can expect pictures of this later when I'm on my own computer :D

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