Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pieces of What?

Doesn't matter anymore.

What's it called when the moon isn't half, but it's less then a quarter? My calender doesn't tell me anymore, and it's throwing me off a little bit. Is it a crescent? I can't remember, but it sure is pretty tonight.

There was an Asian man, and his baby in the park behind my house today. Incase you haven't realized, men with babies are super cute. ASIAN babies are even cuter. The man was just hilarious, he was skipping through the park, having a good ol' time. I laughed, and continued on my way. To be honest, I wasn't really going anywhere, just walking through the living room, sharing my work day experiences with the family.
Really, I'm never really going anywhere. My social life lacks much of anything. Camping soon, with all the people I love <3.
Possibly Halifax in the net weekend with the lovely Colin and Evan :)

I think I like the Jonas Brothers too much for my own good.

When I look to my right, I see the back of my bedroom door.

There are some photos, 3 of these photos make me smile tremendous amounts, each for different reasons.

1. Old Man On Coney Island Pier- This is why: He's got no shoes. He was fishing. He looked at me just when I snapped the picture.
2. Graffiti'd Pole - This is why: It's got asian characters, underneath it says 'Rain In Japanese'.
3. an un-needed reminder.

I find myself looking up there often.

I think I'll go get lost in a fictitious world where tortoises tell the stories, and coma's are comma's.
Yes, this is a world I could get used to.

<3 b.

Pieces of what, I used to call home.


colinM. said...

i think i came out of the Jonas Brothers closet.

i like them too much for ANYONE'S good. :\

sparklegreen said...

I agree that Asian babies are cute! Like dollies! I lo'e them.

Samantha Bruce said...

I watched Camp Rock yesterday. Is that bad? :o

When ARE you going camping with everyone? Planning to bring me along? :P

Hope everything is going all right with you up in the side of summer. *Hugs*

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