Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm not that talented.

Really, I'm not.

I'd like to be, I would... but I find the more I put my mind to things... I just suck at them more.

I have friends who are really smart, and friends who can sing. I know people who write music, poetry, books! Friends who can cook, siblings who cake bake. People who can design, draw or take beautiful photos.

While, I used to think I was good at a few of those things, I'm beginning to doubt myself. Right now, I feel inadequate next to everyone else in the world.

I dropped out of my first year of university
I used to write all the time, but I've lost all inspiration.
I can't draw right anymore.
I haven't touched an instrument in so long.
I can't take pictures anymore.

I used to be good at these things(or so I was told)... not anymore.
It seems as if I've lost all talent. I can't do much of anything, and I hate it.

I'm angry, and I'm sad. But at the same time, no matter how I try... I just feel as if nothing I do is good.
Not just good enough, but just not good at all.

♥ b.

Just... not good at al.

Ps. sorry for being a downer

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