I figure, it's going to take me a while to write this list, so why not put it in parts.
Four of them to be exact.
So, why not start it eh?
100. Learn to beatbox. I've said it before, and I will said it a million times. Like, i can NOT die until I've learned how to beatbox.
99. Spend more than 300$ on a purse. Yeah, sure spend my money on material things? No big deal right? Wrong. It's very hard for me to spend money. I'm so cheap. Like buying things at the dollar store hurts me.
98. Go one whole year without ever buying a pair of shoes. Considering I'm cheap and all, I have a shoe addiction. It's unhealthy
97. Take up piano again. A large part of my life I let get pushed aside.
96. Read Every single Stephen King Book. At least 5 times. AT LEAST.
95. Get in a plane, and not freak out. This coming from a girl who can't stand on a chair without having a small panic attack.
94. Be part of something. A book club, a band, a no-boys-allowed club. just something.
93. Learn all the words to every single Smiths song.
92. Bake a cake. from scratch. For someone. For no reason.
91. Live off of PEI for more than one full year.
90. Donate money to charity.
89. Be comfortable with myself (I'll be really disappointed if I don't get this one done)
88. Ride in a train. Because it'll make me feel like i'm going to Hogwarts.
87. Own my own house. (lame eh?)
86. Mustang. Orange plz.
85. Forgive that one person.
84. Go Sailing. because for a girl who lives on an island, I've only ever been on a ferry. once.
83. Meet my internet/blogger friends IRL. Cause, y'all are important to me. :D
82. Find out why it is that 82 is my favourite number. There's a reason I'm sure.
81. bake fudge as good as Grammy's
80. Take a legit vacation to somewhere tropical in the winter time.
79. Make a short film.
78. Buy a dalmatian, and depending on it's gender call it Perdy or Pongo.
77. Road trip!
76. be more open. I tend to not ever talk about things.
75. take the time to find meaning again.
And that's it folks. Well for this edition anyhow.
Also, if you've not heard about it yet, MTV has a new show called The Buried Life,about 4 guys who have a list of things they wanna do, and everytime they complete something on their list, they help someone knock something off a list of their own. It's beautiful really.
♥ b.
I like this one =]
I think thats a pretty shweeeeet list too x
Can't wait to hear what the next 75 are going to be.
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