Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fancy Meeting You Here, maybe.

I'm not sure if you still read this, and I'm not entirely sure if I care, but I wanted to say some things. I'm sorry for the way I treated you, it was mean of me. Although, let's be honest... the feelings were mutual. I want to say I hope you're doing well, though I can't tell if that would be a polite lie, or the truth. It would be nice if it was the truth, but I've never been one to lie. You probably don't believe that, and other than giving you my word I have no way to prove it. I have no way to prove to you, I also have no way of proving that when I said there would still be a friendship I meant it. Considering any remnants of friendship have long been incinerated. I accept full responsibility for that. If you're wondering how I am, I'm good. The last actual conversation, and possibly one of the only ones, we had I mentioned I wasn't happy. That's changed. I've never been happier in my life. I'm married. It's unlikely you knew that. I accept full responsibility for that as well. I'm not saying these things to make you miss me, or make you miserable. It's simply small talk. Here's the bit where I wish you well, because I would never wish bad upon anyone. But that is something I'm sure I don't want to do. Instead, I'll say good luck to you, and offer some advice. Stop being so cynical, and hateful toward everything. When you find someone to love, tell them. Don't email it, or IM it, or text it. Say it. Face to face. More than once. That was your downfall. It wasn't ours. But yours. Ours was something entirely different. Good luck.


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Reverend Hornibastard said...

This brought a tear to my eye.

Thank god I only have one (eye).

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