Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Wish List...

Ohmygosh, no way!!! Yes WAY.

Alright, so Sparklegreen had this brilliant idea of making a wish list, of five smalls things(cool pen, mix cd etc.) and five big things(friendship, peace etc.) Deets are here.

Items that are tinyyyyy:
-Mix CD's always make me happy. Fill it with the music you listen to, I'm always up for a new music experience:)
-Charcoal. I love charcoals, and I'm running low, my drawings utensils are diminishing.
- Anything pretty. I like small little pretty things. Homemade, bought, imaginary. If it's pretty I like it :D
-A bracelet, you know like the ones you make. I love having things on my wrist, bracelets are brilliant.
- A piece of art you made. Be creative. :D It doesn't even have to be good. Just fun!

And the bigger things:
-A lovely pretty snowfall. Not a storm please.
-Brandon Flowers(Probably the least likely of all of these things XD)

So there you have it folks :D. I can't wait to read the rest of yours.
Oh! And my skype name is: be.cky17 
Yeah, I know this for sure now:)

♥ b.


sparklegreen said...

Yayyyyy. I'm totally sending you a bracelet, CD, something pretty, and a really childish drawing because I can't draw.

sparklegreen said...

Oh and of course, a big item or two.

sparklegreen said...

Find all the lists here:


PPP said...

I'm getting you something fer suuuure! :D

And YES! I still have a thingy that can play cassettes! WOOP!

Ieehh, so excited!

Monikamarieee said...

well who doesn't love little pretty things!? great list, I totally looking forward to this :-)

buromat-wtf? hahahaaaa so close to biomat-very scientific!

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