Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jesus Died For Somebody's Sins, but not mine..

So, I've decided I really like wearing rings. Like a lot. I normally don't wear them... On the fear I may lose them, but I haven't lost any in a while. And I've decided to start wearing them. Everyday. Then again, I don't do a lot of things I'm gonna. 

I feel like I'm trapped here.  In my house, on this Island, in my mind. I really do need to get out. I had the house to myself today, for a little while... It made me realize how bad I needed to just get out. I mean, Yes I do spend most of my time alone in my room, but that's only because I don't want to put up with the family surrounding me. And today, It was nice to get out of my room... If only for a little while. 

I'm feeling uninspired. Inspire me please.

I planned to do so much today, go out take photos, work on some paintings, do a bit of drawing. But all I accomplished was having a shower and getting amazing hair. Speaking of that amazing hair, I decided to let it dry out naturally today, instead of blowdrying it. Well, before I straightened it, it resembled that of a wildebeast. It was not appealing in the least. Mama thinks it cute... But I beg to differ. She has to say that, she's my mom. 

I collect pennies from the year 1989, so if you happen to come across such pennies, I would greatly appreciate it if you could give those to me.  No seriously, I collect them. I wait until I have large piles of pennies then sort through them till I find ones from 1989. I also collect movie tickets.  Yes. Movie tickets... From all of the movies I've seen since 2001. Seven years of movie memories. 

So I noticed that my eyes are looking particularly blue today. I really like it.  Sometimes they look hella amazing, or so I like to believe anyway. 

Ooh! The boys bought guns. Not real ones, airsoft ones. And they're fun. Only... The other night they were shooting at me the little buggers. And those damn things hurt, but they're some fun to shoot!

I love thunderstorms. I love the smell of rain, and freshly cut grass. I love cold days in the fall when the sun shines. I love the colours of the sky when the sun sets. I love music. I love this hat. I love photography. I love that moment after it's been raining when a rainbow appears for a brief second. I love the stars. I love my fways. But most of all, I love the way he makes me feel. :)

I kinda like Britney's new song. Actually not kinda. I'm slightly addicted to it. I just can't stop listening to it. Please administer a punch the next time you see me. I would appreciate it. 

At 9.16 I feel the sandman trying to put me asleep, even though I just consumed large amounts of caffeine. Hopefully it'll kick in soon.

I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me. 


The best of us can find happiness in misery. 


colinM. said...

why do you collect pennies from 1989?


beckyannnnnnn said...

I don't know... I just do. Someone once told me they were lucky when I was little, and now I just look for them.

Anonymous said...

I was cleaning out my froggy-bank, and I found three pennis from 1989. Pennis are good luck "cloinm." if that's your REAL name.

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