Saturday, November 15, 2008

say hello to my little friend?

I have nothing to say. I have lots to say. I don't know how to say it. I want to talk. No I've changed my mind.  I don't want to talk about it. 
Will you talk about it? Will he talk about it? Will we all talk about it?
i told you already.
I don't want to talk about it. 

But, I'm going to try.

I want to come right out and say it, but I can't. No, I just can't. It was hard enough for me telling the 3 people that know. Very hard.

Perhaps you remember that one time, when I was sick, a lot in grade 10? Well, I wasn't sick. But, at the same time... I was. 
Alas, you may not remember that time. 

Well that 'illness' left for a while, but I've been feeling it coming back, slowly, but strongly. It's been creeping up, getting closer and closer as each day passes. 

It's here. I feel it. Just sitting here in the room beside me, bringing me down. 
Handing me out badness.

It may be worse, this could potentially be bad.


1 comment:

Kettle said...

I's be needin' mah Becky.
'Cause I wanna give her
massive amounts of huggins' and lovins'.
But alas, I am stuck with ten gazillion words to type in the form of essays.
And if I procrastinate much more, I may need to be hospitalized in the end. HOWEVER.
I'ma online right nowww. And about to message you. Sorry if I'm slow at responding. But I don't even care. I hasss to beeee thurrrrr. Especially since this sounds like what I think it sounds.

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